Isis Nursing Horus

To the left is a common depiction of Isis seated at her throne, nursing her son Horus. On her head she wears cow horns that embrace a solar disc. This depiction is typical considering that Isis was revered as a goddess that aided pharoahs in controlling their lands and she is also revered as a fertility goddess with motherly aspects.
Isis' son Horus was often honored as the god of the pharoahs. In fact, reigning pharoahs were frequently referred to as the "living Horus" and were believed to be the phyiscal incaranation of the son of Isis.
Horus was born after the death of his father, Osiris, who was slain by his own brother Seth or Set. When Horus grew up he wanted to avenge the death of his father and consquently ended up warring with Seth for 80 years. The stories vary as to what happened during this war, but one such story suggests that Seth tore out one of Horus' eyes.
Interestingly, much as been drawn from the story of Horus and Set and the Eye of Horus became an amulet of protection for the Egyptians. What's more, each part of the eye, in fact both of Horus' eyes, held specific connotations.
For example, the Wedjat or the Udjat is a term that is used to refer to the Eye of Horus. The term wedjat literally means, "health". Typically, the right eye of Horus is considered an amulet for protection and represents the Sun, while the left eye of Horus represents the Moon. According to the legend, the eye of Horus, when it was torn out by Seth, was divided into 6 sections. Some lengends suggest that Thoth helped him restore his left eye and the eye then become a symbol of healing and completeness. Further, it became a symbol of restoring order after chaos.
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