The Birth of the Egyptian Dieties

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According to the text, ISIS Magic by M. Isidora Forrest, the Egyptian cosmology is one that begins with Nun. Nun was a the primal waters of Nothingness, where eternity was found. Out of Nun, or out of the nothingness appeared Atum of Re, arising as the first hill that appeared out of nothingness. Atum was perfect in every way and totally complete--consisting of both female and male polarities.
Atum began the act of creation. According to the lengend, both the Divine Hand as wife and the Divine Phallus as husband procreated and that act created the universe. When the universe burst forth, Shu and Tefnut, god and goddess respectively, who are the elemental dieties of air and moisture, were also brought forth.
Tefnut and Shu, although they were brother and sister, became husband and wife. They in turn gave birth to the heavens and the earth. They also bore a celestial daughter, Nut, the goddess of the sky, and a terrestial son, Geb, who is the god of the earth. Like their parents, Geb and Nut fell in love with one another and brought forth children.
The first child of Geb and Nut to be born was Osiris, the god of life and death. The second child Geb and Nut was Horus the Elder, also known as Horus the Great, the Falcon god. Next, Seth was born and begin both angry and impatient, he burst forth from his mother's side instead of being naturally brought forth like the other gods. Next, Isis was born and her twin sister, Nephthys, the goddess of darkness and mystery was born. Later, Isis would wed her brother Osiris and they begot Horus, while Nephthys wedded Seth and begot Anubis.
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Labels: Goddess, isis, paranormal
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